Leader Connect : Interview with IRSHAN MOHAMED

IrshanWords that best describe you?
Down to earth, Open, Optimistic.

What are three career lessons you’ve learned so far?
Do what you say and say what you do,
You will become obsolete the moment you stop learning,
Failure is success if we learn from it

How do you manage stress?
You need to manage stress only if you accept stress. Stress happens when you look at a situation at its entirety and think about ways to overcome it. I usually break things down and try to solve piece by piece.

What is the most challenging part of being a leader?
There are definitely many challenges and based on certain scenarios each could become the most challenging one. To quote instance, one challenge would be to create a balance between business priorities and team expectations. Sometimes increasing business priorities can create various pressures in your environment which affects your people and it’s up to the leader to address it head on and get your people aligned to it. It’s easier said than done in most cases.

Whom do you admire the most and why?
I don’t have any specific names in mind. I admire all the people who dare to dream and live their dream.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
A Doctor and would try to save as many life as possible

What do you do in your free time?
Music, Movies, Reading, Socializing

If you were to write a book about yourself, what would be the title?

Best place you’ve been to?
Dream world

What are the things in your bucket list?
It’s a long list

What is your best memory at Allstate?
Having the first batch of employees joining in our incubation space

Know your EB Bangalore team : Esurance


Which team do you belong to?
We are team Esurance! We are currently a team of 6, working mainly on US Property Insurance for Esurance.  We work with the Presales, Policy Admin, Document Services and the UI applications.

What is the role of your team in EB?
We are a team of developers working on new business requirements, enhancements, migrations etc.

What is your area of expertise?
Our team mainly consists of people with expertise on Microsoft .Net and other related technologies, but we also work on Duck Creek, Ecrion, JavaScript and other front end technologies.

What do you like the most about working in Allstate?
We enjoy the flexibility that Allstate provides in terms of timings, areas of interest etc. We also appreciate the work culture and the friendly environment we get to work in.

Passion Club : Featuring Prem Nair

pp.jpgHobbies: In my leisure time I am usually Netflixing or reading books (currently on a Ray Bradbury spree). I am also an amateur photographer and blogger.

Biggest Achievement: “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Ben Franklin

Travel Destination: The most recent big trip I did was – Sri Lanka. It is a beautiful little island with amazing welcoming people. The highlights were the clear blue ocean, delicious food and a 16km breathtaking trek called The Devil’s Staircase.

Favorite food: Pizza is life. I am a big time foodie and am always on the lookout recommendations. So if you have any favorite food joints around town, let me know!

One thing no one else knows about you: I am an information junkie, I like reading up on completely random things on the internet. The quirkier, the merrier.

Passion: Travelling is the best thrill in life for me. Since some time now I have been doing at least one big trip every year. I’d like to visit all the UNESCO sites all over the world.

Technology Trends: Blockchain Technology


By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. Originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the technology.

The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.

In the blockchain, every time a transaction occurs, a block of data is added to a digital chain. For example, if person (A) transfers money or information to person (B) this transaction will be logged in the blockchain with a certain code. The blockchain creates trust because a complete copy of the chain, which shows every transaction, is held by the entire network. If someone attempts to cheat the system or steal, they can be easily identified.

AIDA Level1 Certified

Rashmi Rajashekarappa Rajesh Kumar M G
Bhargavkumar Reddy Chinnaboreddy Gari Habibulla Shaik
Dinesh Prabhu Parameswaran Meghana Umesh Hegde
Shwetha Dindigada Gopalakrishna Prasad Thameem Syed Aslam
Shweta Hosagoudar Priyanka B R
Shashank Bhimani Shiveta Rana
Jaya Lakshmi Rachamalla


8 thoughts on “

    1. We have published AIDA details only till Jan month. In next Newsletter, we would be publishing Feb-April months 🙂


  1. Great Job team! Its fun to read EB Newsletter- interviews, all activities what we are doing and finding your name in the poster which is at the top of this page. 🙂


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